This game was made through most of Saturday and Sunday, The music is by me, the Sound effects were provided by scratch's sound library. I'd work on it more, but i can only work on it during the weekend.

Release date Mar 14, 2022
TagsShoot 'Em Up
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksMy Scratch Acc.


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Nice game, some minuet glitches, but the overall game is solid, nice to see other creators using scratch.


Great start to the game.

Couple minor things

- UI is solid but I would love to see the score I have, I think the yellow zombies are faster so maybe they count as 2 points and make them even harder.

- There's a slight bug where your gun doesn't kill them if they're on top of it.

Can't wait to see more!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll add the score, and yes, the yellow zombies are faster, i wasnt sure if i'd be able to work on the game during the week, bc of school, but i'll add a small update.